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Nice unique idea. Pretty fun, only major problem is that moving left doesn't have the same move speed as right because the level is moving


Thank you🥰, and yea that'd definitely be one of the first priorities if this game would get more dev time.
I think it does have the same movement speed in both ways but the camera is always pulling to the right so it probably needs some compensation for that 😅


This was a great game to play. I love the combination of side scroller and brick breaking. Thanks for making this! Such a nice and unique concept :D


Thanks for playing 🥰
We loved the idea of making some kind of breakout cutscene combined with what 'line rider'(in case you know that did back in the day. 

If we had more time we'd add more fun objects like blocks to break, fans that increase or decrease the ball speed making it a little more difficult and hopefully fun to play through 😁